It’s always nice to receive a thank you card! This one is from Dave & Jane, whose wedding was held at the Manor House, Castle Coombe. A fantastic venue and one I am very pleased to be a recommended supplier at. Dave & Jane’s wedding was actually held and celebrated in the Golf Club, but Jane got ready in the main house, which is also a wedding venue I frequent regularly as a recommended supplier!
“All our family have said how great [the photos} are.”
Yes the above shot is a self-portrait! Dave used to work with my wife, Jo. So we were invited to “down tools” and join in the celebrations! Here you can see me showing the ushers my latest “gadget” which is the ability to remotely control the Canon 6D from my iPhone. This turned out to be required – as the young boy captured a few images above was very camera aware, I was able to place the camera on the table in front of him and walk away. Once he had the right expression – click! He never new