A few kind words go a long way…

This email recently popped in to my inbox and it made me feel great!  I thought I should share it with you:

Dear Ed,

You photographed Jonathan & Emma in September and Jon showed me many of the photographs that you took. I used to be a pro photographer working freelance with the Sunday Times Magazine, the Radio Times etc and I have my portrait of Bill Brandt in the Victoria and Albert Museum Photographic Collection. I am emailing you to say that I think that your work is outstanding. Technically your photographs are great but more importantly they are really creative indeed.

Your shots have an incredible depth of field and every shot seems to look as if it belongs in OK magazine.  Wonderful work. Congratulations.

I am sure that your many clients are delighted with the photographs you give them.

I know what it is like to receive a little praise here and there as I will always remember when Don McCullen saw me in the Sunday Times offices one day and told me he liked my work and best of all Bill Brandt liked the portraits I took of him and told me that he thought that they were probably the best portraits of himself he had seen.

I am not Bill Brandt or Don McCullen but I still think that you should know that your work is really outstanding.

Kind regards,

Martin Breese, Brighton
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